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Kevin Crowley Jennifer Hewison Julie Stewart 

Nominated Directors' Bios

• Background is in marketing, communications, issue management.
• Director of Communications and Public Affairs at Wilfrid Laurier university for 13 years
• Has attended lots of board meetings and senate meetings and done some board work for a community technology advocacy group.
• Worked with Six Nations in Ontario doing outreach for programming and engaging and serving the indigenous community. Guided an issue of alumni magazine devoted to indigenous programming/art/writing. Worked on project that involved visits to universities doing indigenous programming in furtherance of reconciliation.

Interest – Communications and community relations including recruitment and retention

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Jennifer is a macro level, systems thinker with an interest in collaborative initiatives in health and social service delivery. She has a PhD in Educational Studies (Adult, Continuing and Community Education) from UBC and for the past 20 years, has been a faculty member with the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Calgary where she continues to work remotely as an Associate Professor. Jennifer is a social gerontologist whose research and teaching focuses on age-friendly communities, aging in place, social participation, and social inclusion. Jennifer has extensive experience in academic leadership roles and working with interdisciplinary teams. She is actively involved in community service and since 2006 has been a member of various committees and boards related to aging, social well-being, and community development. She is currently a member of the Gabriola Health and Wellbeing Collaborative. Jennifer is committed to practicing from an equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility lens and looks forward to sharing her leadership, teaching, and research skills with the Foundation.

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Julie Stewart

To come

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