Coordination/Primary Health Care: Availability of Primary Health Care Integrated Health network to provide regular services/sessions on Gabriola starting August 1, 2008. Focus will be on Chronic Care Management.

Responsibility: VIHA, Gabriola physician’s

Pilot Initiatives: Senior leadership in MoH and VIHA to work with the community to identify appropriate pilots that would respond to the primary health care challenges raised in this report.

Responsibility: VIHA, MoH, GHCS, Gabriola physicians

Attraction and Retention of Physicians: Establishment of Community Attraction and Retention Group responsible for marketing for physicians and accommodation requirements for locums.

Responsibility: VIHA, GHCS and Community

Public Communication: The range of communication actions will be initiated by end of August. VIHA’s information will be posted on GHCS website by mid September.

Responsibility: VIHA and GHCS

Communication and links between Physicians on Gabriola and Nanaimo: Increased communication and coordination between NRH and Gabriola physicians.

Responsibility: VIHA, Physicians on Gabriola and Nanaimo

Nurses & Gabriola Health Care System: Determine the most effective way to include nurse practitioners, registered nurses, home support nurses into the current primary health care system on Gabriola.

Responsibility: Medical practitioners on Gabriola (physicians & nurses), GHCS, VIHA


Data: Data requirements of Gabriola for the purposes of effective Primary Health Care planning will be provided.

Responsibility: MOH primary responsibility

Long Term Planning: Based on the results of the public input GHCS will initiate a planning process open to interested community members and based on relevant data and input from public session.

Responsibility: GHCS with VIHA & MoH

MOCAP: Medical On-call Availability program will be available for the physicians doing on-call on Gabriola Island

Responsibility: VIHA

Communication and links between Physicians on Gabriola and Nanaimo: Increased communication and coordination.

Responsibility: Physicians and GHCS


Research: Research into most effective approach to inclusion of a variety of health practitioners, including nurse practitioners and registered nurses.

Responsibility: VIHA & MoH with Community involvement

Management of Integrated Primary Health Care on Gabriola: Research into a variety of options for the community. Research will include a co-operative model, salaried approach and a review of other jurisdictions.

Responsibility: MOH, VIHA, GHCS Incorporated into Long Term Planning process

Permanent clinic: Plans for a permanent, community owned location for the Emergency Treatment Room and supporting services will continue, with funds being raised through community fundraising, Foundations and Philanthropic organizations.

Responsibility: GHCS & GHCF

OCTOBER 31, 2008

3 month Report on Progress: Many of the proceeding actions are first steps and involve discussions with relevant parties in order to determine the best course of action in both the short and long term. A 3 month report on progress that will identify those next steps and responsibilities will be produced.

Responsibility: VIHA, GHCS, MoH, Gabriola Physicians

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